“I have participated in Empowerment International’s efforts so that the children can have a better future since I did not have those opportunities”.
41 years ago, Angela moved into the Santa Ana community in the state of Masaya, Nicaragua. We recalls when there were only 3 houses established. Now, there is a school, a community garden, a church, and many neighbors that she calls friends. Since Empowerment International began working in Santa Ana, Angela and other community leaders have attended meetings and brainstormed together what it looks like to give future generations a brighter future.
As the community worked to build a brighter future, EI helped Angela and her fellow leaders build a community garden next to the school. Last year, Angela worked the soil, planted vegetables, and kept the garden clean. Her hope for the garden being on school grounds is that it would teach the students they have to work hard to see progress. Angela and her fellow community members didn’t stop working on the garden, they participated in the drilling process of a water well. Every member carried supplies (gravel, dirt, pipes) to the drill site. Now, the school has access to safe, clean drinking water. Every effort the community has made empowers them to provide a brighter future for the next generation.
"Everything I do is to support future generations, Empowerment International can always count on my support in any [rural development] activity that helps our community to continue to grow"
